About Me


I am constantly pushing myself to learn code, and love helping others when i am able to.

Where I've Studied:

Geekwise Academy & University of Phoenix

Concepts learned about:

  • Responsive Design
  • DRY Principle
  • Version Control
  • SDLC


I love being able to conceptualize an idea out of my head, and bring it to life on the screen.

Technologies being learnt:

HTML/CSS, Bootstrap 3 & 4, Javascript ES6, Angular 2+ (still learning), and Git

Dev Tools:

  • VS Code
  • Chrome DevTools
  • Slack
  • Stack Overflow
  • and...
  • coffee...
  • gallons of coffee...


While technical abilty is important, being communicative and socialble is just as important.


Whiskey/Beer, Martial Arts, Building Computers, Gaming, and Hiking

Soft Skills:

  • Work Ethic
  • Listening Well
  • Communication
  • Problem Solving
  • Time Management



A clean static site all being built at Geekwise Academy using HTML/CSS and Bootstrap 3.


A straight foward Git resource built for class at Geekwise Academy using HTML/CSS and Bootstrap 4.

Pet Store

A small static site built in class demonstrating HTML/CSS and Bootstrap 3

Project Resumista

A resume builder web app built with two classmates using only HTML/CSS, Bootstrap 4, and Vanilla JS.

Contact Me